Sunday 3 April 2011

Horse health

So both of our horses have fallen ill in the last few months, Indy has apparently got Equine metabolic syndrome which is a kind of laminitis, at one stage the vet offered to put Indy down, while last month Swiftnick had a bout of colic.  The colic was a fairly short term thing and after an injection from the vet he was back to normal.  Indy meanwhile is always going to have his issue and we're constantly going to have to measure what he eats and how much exercise he has to try and keep a large fat deposit from building up on his neck and pumping toxins in to his body.  Not the best start to the year but it's not going to stop us doing the best we can for them.

Now as I've mentioned before I'm a fairly easy going kind of guy, I'll try and get along with pretty much anybody.  But there is one particular woman at the yard who always sticks her nose in whether you want her there or not, she also thinks quite highly of herself and constantly comes up with advice and comments which in itself is mildly annoying, but especially as they're almost always wrong.  She's renowned for turning up when someones horse is ill and thinking up even more unpleasant things that could be wrong than: a) you're thinking of and b) are actually the problem.  Any small symptom is the first sign of a major disaster on the horizon, every issue is life threatening and every one of her proclaimations is 100% wrong. 

The trouble is the last thing you really need when your upset is for someone to come along and suggest that the problem is actually worse than it is, even more annoying is that because she's dressing it up as sage advice, people don't tell her to bugger off for fear of upsetting her!  Then to top it all of when your horse is feeling better and you've weathered the worst of the storm she's no where to be seen, presumably off spreading more misery for someone else with an issue.

I'm a reasonable, peace loving, mild kind of guy, but I really do wish that she'd just FUCK OFF!

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