Sunday, 21 November 2010

Pigeon holing

We all like to label things, now come on don't be shy, you do too just admit it and lets face it, why not?  It's a useful system for quickly identifying things so we can decide whether we will or will not like stuff.  Perfectly reasonable.  I mean I for one like cars, I like car racing, I like games with cars in so on the whole I'm a car kind of guy.  But there it is, right there, did you see it?  I'll write it again just in case, "on the whole I'm a car kind of guy".  How about that time?  Just because I'm in to my auto-mobiles doesn't mean I like EVERYTHING about ALL of them and there's where the pigeon holing thing stops working, because there's just no getting around the fact that there are things we just don't like and vice versa.

The real problem is that because of our need to speed up figuring out what we are going to enjoy we have a tendency to become blinkered about things and this can make us miss out on some real gems, even going so far as to choose things we don't like because they fit our generic brackets of taste.

So what am I saying?  Simply put, keep an open mind.  Maybe you dislike dance music, that's fine but don't automatically assume that you hate ALL dance music, judge everything on its on merit.

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