Like most people with a desk job in IT and a love of gaming/movies/music I have a fairly sedentary life and rather more weight than I'd like. Well ok, I have to walk in to the server halls on a regular basis and out to the shops to buy my lunch but on the whole I sit around a lot. Because of this in the last couple of months I've once again tried to get back in to doing exercise. This time it's Zumba, an exercise regime based on Latin dance movements.
I've tried a few things in the past and quickly learned that a gym membership is just not for me, but this dancing thing seems to be good fun.
This time however it's lead me to consider, why do we use weighing scales to define whether our training program is working? When I think about it, I'm not actually trying to lose weight as such, what I really want is a more pleasing figure. Ok so weight is definitely involved I agree, but if the result can be corrupted by having eaten recently, water retention, wearing or not wearing clothes, recent salt intake and even going to the toilet it becomes easy to see why people can get so disheartened but those fluctuating numbers on the bathroom scales, not to mention the never ending concern of if your scales are properly calibrated.
So stuff weighing yourself, it can't be trusted and if we're perfectly honest, what I really care about are do I like the way I look in the mirror, can I touch my toes and can I run up the stairs without being out of breath and sweating like a pig.
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