Sunday 26 September 2010

F1 Grand Prix - Singapore

Introduction over, now on to the real first post.

The Grand Prix is now over and entertaining it was too.  I do enjoy watching Formula one, I find the mixture of speed, noise and glamour intoxicating, plus with Singapore being a night race it really adds to the sense of theatre, not to mention this has been one of the closest seasons in history with 5 drivers still challenging each other for the world champion ship and only a few races to go.

And now on to my point.  As an Englishman I'm naturally cheering on my fellow countrymen Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, two very different driving styles and both are exceptional.  Of the two Lewis is the more exciting one to watch, he is far more aggressive and creates passing opportunities, when he succeeds he is applauded for his skill, when it goes wrong he is slammed for making a careless mistake.  The difference is only a hairs breadth in reality, but one side of the line has him praised as a driving legend, the other as a reckless fool.  Today's overtaking manoeuvre is a prime example, he saw an opportunity and went for it, unfortunately he hit Mark Webber and it ended his race.

Jenson on the other hand has a smooth driving style, he is far less likely to make a mistake and the car will get to the end of the race in better condition than Lewis' but he tends not to overtake people, instead he will try to find a way to get in to some clear air and just drive better than other people.  Not very interesting to watch but nobody can argue that he isn't a capable driver.  On demanding tracks where the reliability of the car is tested, he is more likely to reach the end and score points.

So two very different people with very different styles, but both have the same issue.  The talent that they are renowned for, draws both adoration and insult purely on whether it earns them victory.  We the viewing public are rather a fickle bunch really.

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